In-Service Scan Profile Detection Settings

Once an
In-Service scan profile is created, the Detection tab
Select the Detection tab.
From the Core pane, type a unique name for the scan profile and configure the following
detection options:
- Scan for
security threats. For more information, see Security Threats.
- Rogue AP
detection. Select this option to detect rogue APs serving open SSIDs (for example an
AP attached to an Ethernet wall jack and the AP is running an open SSID). If a rogue
AP is detected, countermeasures can be optionally applied to prevent any station
from using this rogue AP.
- Listener port:
Enter the UDP port for rogue AP detection.
- Classify sources
of interference. Interference classification compares patterns in RF interference to
known interference patterns to help identify the source of the interference. All APs
based on the AP371x, AP38xx, and AP39xx
architecture are capable of performing interference classification.
- Click Save.