Configuring Privacy
Privacy is a mechanism that protects data over wireless and wired networks, usually by encryption techniques. The controller provides several privacy mechanism to protect data over the WLAN.
The following are privacy
- None
- Static Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) — Keys for a
selected VNS, so that it matches the WEP mechanism used on the rest of the network.
Each AP can participate in up to 50 VNSs. For each VNS, only one WEP key can be
specified. It is treated as the first key in a list of WEP keys.
- Dynamic Keys — The dynamic key WEP mechanism changes the
key for each user and each session.
- Wi-Fi
Protected Access (WPA)
- version 1
with encryption by temporal key integrity protocol (TKIP)
- version 2
with encryption by advanced encryption standard with counter-mode/CBC-MAC
protocol (AES-CCMP)
- Wi-Fi
Protected Access (WPA) Pre-Shared key (PSK) — Privacy in PSK mode,
using a Pre-Shared Key (PSK), or shared secret for authentication. WPA-PSK is a
security solution that adds authentication to enhanced WEP encryption and key
management. WPA-PSK mode does not require an authentication server. It is suitable
for home or small office.

Regardless of the AP model or WLAN Service type,
a maximum of 112 simultaneous clients, per radio, are supported by all of the data
protection encryption techniques.