
Manually triggers the Smart-sensor algorithmic function that identifies APs best suited to be provisioned as sensors within a site (RF Domain).

The smart-sensor feature uses an algorithm to auto-provision APs as sensors within a site. This algorithm is auto-triggered when the smart-sensor feature is enabled for the first time. However, re-calibration maybe required in case of a change in the number of APs deployed or a change in the AP deployment pattern. In this case you will have to manually issue the 'trigger-smart-sensor' command to initiate Smart-sensor calibration.

Issue the 'trigger-smart-sensor' command through the controller (NX5500, NX7500, NX9500, NX9600 and VX9000) on the AP's RF Domain. Alternately, if the RF-Domain manager is an AP8533 or AP4xx, you can trigger Smart-sensor calibration locally on the RF-Domain manager.



Smart-sensor is supported only on the tri-radio AP8533 and AP4xx model APs.

For information on enabling Smart-sensor, see smart-sensor.

Supported in the following platforms:


trigger-smart-sensor on <RF-DOMAIN-NAME>


trigger-smart-sensor on <RF-DOMAIN-NAME>
trigger-smart-sensor Manually triggers Smart-sensor calibration
on <RF-DOMAIN-NAME> Triggers the calibration on a specified RF Domain.
  • <RF-DOMAIN-NAME> - Specify the RF Domain name. The calibration results in a list of tri-radio APs best suited to be provisioned as sensors.
    Note: As a best practice, we recommend the RF Domain should consist of only AP8533 or AP4xx model APs.


Trigger Smart-sensor calibration from the controller on the AP's RF Domain:
nx9500-6C8809#trigger-smart-sensor ?
  on  On RF-Domain

nx9500-6C8809#trigger-smart-sensor on smt-sensor

Alternately, if the RF-Domain manager is AP8533 or AP4xx, you can trigger Smart-sensor calibration locally on the RF-Domain manager.
