
The following table summarizes IP Access List configuration commands.
Table 1. IP-Access-List-Config Commands
Command Description
deny (ipv4-acl) Creates a deny access rule or modifies an existing rule. A deny access rule rejects packets from specified address(es) and/or destined for specified address(es).
disable (ipv4-acl) Disables an existing deny or permit rule without removing it from the ACL
insert (ipv4-acl) Inserts a rule in an IP ACL without overwriting or replacing an existing rule having the same precedence
permit (ipv4-acl) Creates a permit access rule or modifies an existing rule. A permit access rule accepts packets from specified address(es) and/or destined for specified address(es).
no (ipv4-acl) Removes a deny and/or a permit access rule from a IP ACL


For more information on common commands (clrscr, commit, help, revert, service, show, write, and exit), see Common Commands.