DHCP-Server Policy

This chapter summarizes Dynamic Host Control Protocol (DHCP) server policy commands in the CLI command structure.

DHCP is a client-server protocol that manages IPv4 and IPv6 address assignment to network resources and mobile devices. Central to the DHCP IP address management process is the DHCP server that dynamically assigns IP addresses and related configuration information, such as gateways and subnet masks to the DHCP client. WiNG devices (controllers and access points) have built-in DHCP servers that can be enbaled to manage IP address assignment.

DHCP servers assign IP addresses from a pre-configured set of address pools. DHCP assigned IP addresses come with a specified lease time and have to be renewed before expiry. The DHCP server policy defines the IP address pool and

The DHCP server policy ensures all IP addresses are unique and no IP address is assigned to a second client while the first client's assignment is valid. Configure the DHCP server policy and apply to the controller or access point to enable the device as the onboard DHCP server.



You can use external DHCP servers for dynamic IP address assignment. If using an external DHCP server, configure infrastructure controllers/access points to relay DHCP requests to the external DHCP server.

Use the the following command to navigate to the config DHCP server policy instance:

<DEVICE>(config)#dhcp-server-policy <POLICY-NAME>
nx9500-6C8809(config)#dhcp-server-policy test
DHCP policy Mode commands:
  bootp        BOOTP specific configuration
  dhcp-class   Configure DHCP class (for address allocation using DHCP
               user-class options)
  dhcp-pool    Configure DHCP server address pool
  dhcp-server  Activating dhcp server based on criteria
  no           Negate a command or set its defaults
  option       Define DHCP server option
  ping         Specify ping parameters used by DHCP Server

  clrscr       Clears the display screen
  commit       Commit all changes made in this session
  do           Run commands from Exec mode
  end          End current mode and change to EXEC mode
  exit         End current mode and down to previous mode
  help         Description of the interactive help system
  revert       Revert changes
  service      Service Commands
  show         Show running system information
  write        Write running configuration to memory or terminal


Use the the following command to navigate to the config DHCPv6 server policy instance:

<DEVICE>(config)#dhcpv6-server-policy <POLICY-NAME>
nx9500-6C8809(config)#dhcpv6-server-policy test
DHCPv6 server policy Mode commands:
  dhcpv6-pool              Configure DHCPV6 server address pool
  no                       Negate a command or set its defaults
  option                   Define DHCPv6 server option
  restrict-vendor-options  Restrict vendor specific options to be sent in
                           server reply
  server-preference        Server preference value sent in the reply, by the
                           server to client

  clrscr                   Clears the display screen
  commit                   Commit all changes made in this session
  do                       Run commands from Exec mode
  end                      End current mode and change to EXEC mode
  exit                     End current mode and down to previous mode
  help                     Description of the interactive help system
  revert                   Revert changes
  service                  Service Commands
  show                     Show running system information
  write                    Write running configuration to memory or terminal


This chapter is organized into the following subsections: