Operations Summary

The Summary screen displays firmware information for a controller, service platform or access point selected from either the RF Domain or Network tabs on the left-hand side of the screen.

  1. Got to Operations → Devices → System.

  2. Expand one of the RF Domains listed within the System node, and select a target device. The selected device's Summary page displays by default.

    Click to expand in new window
  3. Refer to the following to determine whether a firmware image needs to be updated for the selected device, or a device requires a restart or revert to previous settings.


    Displays the primary and secondary firmware image version defined for the selected device. Keep in mind, secondary images with an older build version have a reduced feature and may limit the device.

    Build Date

    Displays the date the primary and secondary firmware image was built for the selected device.

    Install Date

    Displays the date the firmware was installed for the selected device.


    Lists whether fallback is currently enabled for the selected device. When enabled, the device reverts back to the last successfully installed firmware image if something were to happen in its next firmware upgrade that would render the device inoperable.

    Current Boot

    Lists firmware image for the device on the current boot.

    Upgrade Status

    Displays the status of the last firmware upgrade performed for each listed device managed by this controller, service platform or Virtual Controller mode access point.

    Firmware Upgrade

    Select this option to display the firmware upgrade window for the selected device. Select the Apply button to perform the function.


    Select this option to restart the selected device. Selecting this option restarts the target device using the specified options in the settings window. Restarting a device resets all data collection values to zero. Select the Reload button to perform the function.

  4. Refer to the device table for basic information for known device types. The device table displays the Device Type, Is Controller status, Online, Offline and Total device counts.