RF Domain Overrides in Device Configuration

Use RF Domain Overrides to override the configurations set by the target device's original RF Domain assignment.

RF Domains allow administrators to assign configuration data to multiple devices deployed in a common coverage area (floor, building or site). In such instances, these devices share many configuration attributes because their general client support roles are very similar. However, device configurations may need periodic refinement from their original RF Domain administered design.

A controller's or service platform's configuration contains at least one default RF Domain, but it can optionally use additional user-defined RF Domains:

Each controller, service platform, and access point is assigned one RF Domain at a time. However, a user-defined RF Domain can be assigned to multiple devices as required. User-defined RF Domains can be manually assigned or automatically assigned to access points using an auto-provisioning policy. The more devices assigned to a single RF Domain, the greater the likelihood one of the device's configuration requiring an override changing that device's configuration from the original RF Domain assignment shared by other devices of that model type.

To review the RF Domain's original configuration requirements and the options available for a target device, refer to Managing RF Domains.

To define a device‘s RF Domain override configuration, refer to the following sections: