Critical Resource

The Critical Resources statistics screen displays a list of device network IP addresses (gateways, routers etc.) defined as critical to the health of the controller, service platform or access point managed network. Critical resources are pinged regularly to ensure availability. If there is a connectivity issue, an event is generated stating a critical resource is unavailable.

To view Critical Resource statistics:

  1. Select the Statistics menu from the Web UI.
  2. Expand the RF Domain node.
  3. Select a Wireless Controller.
  4. Select Critical Resource from the left-hand side of the UI.
    The Statistics > Controller > Critical Resource screen is displayed in the right-hand pane.
    Click to expand in new window

    Refer to the General field to assess the Monitor Interval and Monitor Using Flows Interval used to poll for updates from the critical resource IP listed for Source IP For Port Limited Monitoring. Monitoring Retries before Marking resource as DOWN are the number of retry connection attempts permitted before this listed resource is defined as down (offline).

    Refer to the following List of Critical Resources stats:
    Critical Resource Name Displays the name of the critical resource being monitored.
    Via Lists the VLAN used by the critical resource as a virtual interface. the VLAN displays as a link than can be selected to list configuration and network address information in greater detail.
    Status Defines the operational state of each listed critical resource VLAN interface (Up or Down).
    Error Reason Provides an error status as to why the critical resource is not available over its designated VLAN.
    Mode Defines the operational state of each listed critical resource (up or down).
  5. Select Refresh to update the statistics counters to their latest values.