Download REST API Toolkit

Sample REST (Representational State Transfer) code can be downloaded from the toolkit. REST is a software design schema for Web application development.

To download sample REST API code:

  1. Select Download REST api toolkit from the Web UI.
    A File Download screen displays prompting for the desired location of the download or whether the files should be opened directly.
  2. Open the zip archive and review the Readme file to assess the contents and how they can be leveraged for API creation and modification.

    Sample Ruby Client

    A sample ruby client is provided as part of this package. The Ruby client can be used as a sample to pull statistics data from NXAnalytics. The response from NXAnalytics is in JSON format.


    Readme.txt file.

    Ruby script files:




    NXALogin.rb NXAException.rb

    NXAConstants.rb NXAConnectionParams.rb

    Requirements To Run Sample Ruby Client

    Ruby 2.0 or above. The sample has been tested with Ruby 2.0. To download Ruby use the following:

    Additional Ruby Gems needed to run the sample client are the following.

    - ipaddress

    - json

    - rest-client

    Please install the gems before running the sample client.

    How To Run the Program From Command Line

     ruby NXAStatsClient <IPAddress Of Controller>
                <Protocol[http|https]> <Port [8080|443]>
                <Stats_Type>[wlan | rfdomain | radio | client | captive-portal | client-assoc-disassoc]
                <lookback_duration_in_seconds [ 1 - 2592000]>
                <username> <password>
                <number_of_results_to_return [ 1 - 100]>


      ruby NXAStatsClient https 443 rfdomain 600 admin admin 30

    How To Run the Program From IDE

    If you are using Eclipse or APTANA or any other IDE please do the following.

    - Choose appropriate network proxy settings

    - Configure IDE to choose appropriate Ruby interpreter

    - Create a Ruby project

    - Copy the Ruby files as part of package to the new Ruby project

    - Define the arguments required for the main Ruby program

    - Run the main Ruby program