Configure WLAN Service Monitoring Settings

Service Monitoring is a mechanism for administrating external AAA server, captive portal server, access point adoption, and DHCP server activity for WLANs. Service monitoring enables an administrator to better notify users of a service‘s availability and make resource substitutions. Service monitoring can be enabled and applied to log activity as needed for specific WLANs.

External services can be rendered unavailable due to any of the following instances:

  • When the RADIUS authentication server becomes unavailable. The RADIUS server could be local or external to the controller, service platform or access point.
  • When an externally hosted captive portal is unavailable (for any reason)
  • If an access point‘s connected controller or service platform becomes unavailable.
  • When a monitored DHCP server becomes unavailable.

To configure Service Monitoring settings:

  1. Go to Configuration → Wireless → Wireless LANs to display a high-level display of the existing WLANs.
  2. Click Add to create an additional WLAN, or click Edit to modify the properties of an existing WLAN.
  3. Click Service Monitoring.
    Click to expand in new window
    WLAN Policy Service Monitoring Screen
  4. Select AAA Server monitoring to monitor a dedicated external RADIUS server and ensure its adoption resource availability.
    This setting is disabled by default.
  5. Select Captive Portal External Server monitoring to monitor externally hosted captive portal activity, and to set temporary and restrictive user access to the controller or service platform managed network.
    This setting is disabled by default.
  6. Refer to the Adoption Monitoring field to set the WLAN‘s adoption service monitoring configuration.
    Enable Select this option to verify access points' adoption status to their controllers or service platform. When the connection is lost, captive portal users are automatically migrated to the VLAN defined in the VLAN field. This option is disabled by default.
    VLAN Select the VLAN to which users are migrated when an access point‘s connection to its adopting controller or service platform is lost. The available range is from 1 to 4,094.
  7. Refer to the DHCP Server Monitoring field to set the WLAN‘s adoption service monitoring configuration.
    Enable Select to enable monitoring of the configured DHCP server. When the connection to the monitored DHCP server is lost, all captive portal data users are automatically migrated to the VLAN defined in the VLAN field.

    This option is disabled by default.

    VLAN Select the VLAN to which users are migrated when the configured DHCP server becomes available. The available range is from 1 to 4,094.
    CRM Name Enter the name of the DHCP server to monitor for availability. When this DHCP server resource becomes unavailable, the device falls back to the defined VLAN. This VLAN has a DHCP server configured that provides a pool of IP addresses and with a lease time less than the main DHCP server.
  8. Refer to the DNS Server Monitoring field to set the WLAN‘s adoption service monitoring configuration.
    Enable Select to enable monitoring of the configured DNS server. When the connection to the monitored DNS server is lost, all captive portal data users are automatically migrated to the VLAN defined in the VLAN field. This option is disabled by default.
    VLAN Select the VLAN to which users are migrated when the configured DNS server becomes available. The available range is from 1 to 4,094.
    CRM Name Enter the name of the DNS server to monitor for availability. When this DNS server resource becomes unavailable, the device falls back to the defined VLAN. This VLAN has a DNS server configured that provides DNS address resolution until the primary DNS server becomes available.
  9. Click OK to save the changes.
    Click Reset to revert the screen to its last saved configuration.