Detailed Steps
To perform a hitless upgrade to install and upgrade the ExtremeXOS software on your
View current switch information using the show switch
Determine your selected and booted partition, verify which MSM
is the primary and which is the backup, and confirm that the MSMs
are synchronized.
Output from this command indicates, for each MSM, the selected and
booted images and if they are in the primary or the secondary partition. The selected
image partition indicates which image will be used at the next reboot. The booted image
partition indicates the image used at the last reboot. It is the active partition.
The current state indicates which MSM is the primary (displayed as
MASTER), which MSM is the backup (displayed as BACKUP), and if the backup MSM is
synchronized with the primary MSM (displayed as In Sync).
Select the inactive partition to download the image to and
download and install the new ExtremeXOS core image on the backup MSM using the following
download [url
url {vr
vrname} | image [active |
inactive] [[hostname | ipaddress] filename {{vr} vrname} {block-size
block_size} | memorycard
filename] {partition} {msm

If the backup MSM is installed in slot
B, specify
msm B. If the backup MSM is installed in slot A,
msm A.
If you have an expired service contract and attempt to
download a new image, you see the following message:
Service contract expired, please renew it to be able to download the new software image.
If you see this message, you must renew your
service contract to proceed.
When you have a current service contract, before the
download begins the switch asks if you want to install the image immediately after the
download is finished.
After you download and install the software
image on the inactive partition, you must reboot the MSM manually before you proceed.
To reboot the switch, use the reboot command.
Reboot only the backup MSM so the switch continues to
forward traffic.
If you install the image at a later time,
use the install
image command to install the software.
Verify that the backup MSM comes up correctly
and that the MSMs are synchronized using the show switch
The current state indicates which MSM is the primary (displayed
as MASTER), which MSM is the backup (displayed as BACKUP), and if
the backup MSM is synchronized with the primary MSM (displayed as
In Sync).
Initiate failover from the primary MSM to the backup
MSM using the following command:
run msm-failover {force}
When you failover from the primary MSM to the backup MSM, the backup
becomes the new primary, runs the software on its active partition, and provides all of
the switch management functions.
If you have a BlackDiamond 8800 series switch and the new ExtremeXOS
image supports hitless upgrade but is not compatible with the current running I/O module
image (the I/O version numbers do not match), you cannot perform a hitless upgrade.
The switch displays a warning message similar to the following:
WARNING: The other MSM operates with a different version of I/O module image.
If you continue with the MSM failover, all I/O modules will be reset.
Are you sure you want to failover? (y/n)
You can either continue the upgrade or cancel the action. If you continue the upgrade,
the primary MSM downloads the new image to the I/O module and reboots.
Verify that the backup MSM comes up correctly and that the
MSMs are synchronized using the show switch command.
The current state indicates which MSM
is the primary (displayed as MASTER), which MSM is the backup (displayed as BACKUP), and
if the backup MSM is synchronized with the primary MSM (displayed as In
Select the inactive partition to download the image to and
download and install the new ExtremeXOS core image on the new backup MSM (this was the
original primary MSM) using the following command:
download [url
url {vr
vrname} | image [active |
inactive] [[hostname | ipaddress] filename {{vr} vrname} {block-size
block_size} | memorycard
filename] {partition} {msm

If the new backup MSM is installed in
slot B, specify
msm A. If the new backup MSM is installed in slot
A, specify
msm B.
Before the download begins, the switch asks
if you want to install the image immediately after the download
is finished.
After you download and install the software
image on the alternate partition, you need to reboot the MSM manually before you
proceed. To reboot the switch, use the reboot command.
Reboot only the backup MSM so the switch continues
to forward traffic.
If you install the image at a later time,
use the install
image command to install the software.
Verify that the new backup MSM comes up
correctly and that the MSMs are synchronized using the show switch
The current state indicates which MSM is the
primary (displayed as MASTER), which MSM is the backup (displayed as BACKUP), and if the
backup MSM is synchronized with the primary MSM (displayed as In Sync).
Optionally, initiate failover from the new primary MSM
to the new backup MSM using the following command:
run msm-failover {force}
When you failover from the new primary MSM to the
new backup MSM, this optional step restores the switch to the original primary and backup
Optionally, confirm that the failover is
successful by checking the current state of the MSMs using the show switch
You can also perform a hitless upgrade on ExtremeXOS modular software packages (.xmod
files). To perform a hitless upgrade of a software package, you must install the core
software image first, and the version number of the modular software package must match the
version number of the core image that it will be running with.
For more detailed information about modular software packages, see the Feature License Requirements document. To perform a hitless upgrade, follow the steps described in Performing a Hitless Upgrade.