Displaying EAPS Output Change

Display EAPS output changes using the command show eaps

The existing output places a ! next to a CFM monitored ring port if the CFM indicates the MEP group for that port is down.

X480-48t.1 # sh eaps
EAPS Enabled: Yes
EAPS Fast-Convergence: Off
EAPS Display Config Warnings: Off
EAPS Multicast Add Ring Ports: Off
EAPS Multicast Send IGMP Query: On
EAPS Multicast Temporary Flooding: Off
EAPS Multicast Temporary Flooding Duration: 15 sec
Number of EAPS instances: 1
# EAPS domain configuration :
Domain      State        Mo  En  Pri    Sec    Control-Vlan VID   Count Prio
d2          Failed       M   Y   !41     31    v2           (101 ) 1     N
Flags : (!) CFM Down