RIPng Configuration Example

The following configuration is similar to the example in the RIP chapter, but uses IPv6 addresses. It illustrates a BlackDiamond switch that has three VLANs defined as follows:
  • Finance
    • All ports on slots 1 and 3 have been assigned.
    • IP address 2001:db8:35::1/48.
  • Personnel
    • All ports on slots 2 and 4 have been assigned.
    • IP address 2001:db8:36::1/48.
  • MyCompany
    • Port-based VLAN.
    • All ports on slots 1 through 4 have been assigned.

The stations connected to the system generate a combination of IPv6 traffic and NetBIOS traffic.

In this configuration, all traffic from stations connected to slots 1 and 3 have access to the router by way of the VLAN Finance. Ports on slots 2 and 4 reach the router by way of the VLAN Personnel. All traffic (NetBIOS and IPv6) is part of the VLAN MyCompany.

The example is configured as follows:

create vlan Finance
create vlan Personnel
create vlan MyCompany
configure Finance add port 1:*,3:*
configure Personnel add port 2:*,4:*
configure MyCompany add port all
configure Finance ipaddress 2001:db8:35::1/48
configure Personnel ipaddress 2001:db8:36::1/48
enable ipforwarding ipv6
configure ripng add vlan Finance
configure ripng add vlan Personnel
enable ripng