Displaying Information for a Network or Subscriber VLAN

To display information about a network or subscriber VLAN, use the command:

show vlan {virtual-router vr-name}

The following flags provide PVLAN specific information:

s flat Identifies a network VLAN port that the system added to a subscriber VLAN. All subscriber VLANs contain network VLAN ports that are marked with the s flag.
L flag Identifies a subscriber VLAN port that is configured as a loopback port. Loopback ports are supported only on BlackDiamond 8000 series modules and Summit family switches, whether or not included in a SummitStack.
t flag Identifies a tagged network VLAN port on which tag translation is enabled. The t flag only appears in the show vlan display for network VLANs.
e flag Identifies a network VLAN port that is configured as an endpoint. The e flag only appears in the show vlan display for network VLANs.