Managing a CFM Segment
You can create, delete, add CFM
To create a CFM segment, use the following command:
create cfm segment segment_name destination mac_addr {copy segment_name_to_copy}
To delete a CFM segment, use the following command:
delete cfm segment [segment_name | all]
To add a CFM domain to a CFM segment, use the following
configure cfm segment segment_name add domain domain_name association association_name
To delete a CFM domain from a CFM segment, use the
following command:
configure cfm segment segment_name delete domain association
To configure the transmission interval between two
consecutive DMM or two consecutive LMM frames, use the following command:
configure cfm segment segment_name {frame-delay | frame-loss}
transmit-interval interval
The same transmit-interval is used for both delay
and loss measurements.
To get separate values for delay and loss measurements,
use the following command:
configure cfm segment frame-delay/frame-loss
transmit interval interval
To configure the dot1p priority of a DMM frame, use the
following command:
configure cfm segment segment_name frame-delay dot1p dot1p_priority
To configure the dot1p priority of a LMM frame, use the
following command:
configure cfm segment segment_name frame-loss dot1p dot1p_priority
To configure the dot1p priority of the CFM segment, use
the following command:
configure cfm segment segment_name dot1p dot1p_priority
The same priority is used for both delay and loss measurements.
To get separate values of priority for delay and loss
measurements, use the following command:
configure cfm segment segment_name frame-delay dot1p dot1p_priority
configure cfm segment segment_name frame-loss dot1p dot1p_priority
To configure the alarm and clear threshold value for CFM
segment, use the following command:
configure cfm segment segment_name [alarm-threshold | clear-threshold]
To configure the window size to be used for calculating
the threshold values, use the following command:
configure cfm segment segment_name window size
The same window size is used for both delay and loss measurements.
To get separate values of window size for delay and loss
measurements, use the following:
configure cfm segment segment_name frame-loss window window_size
configure cfm segment segment_name frame-delay window window_size
To configure the window size of a DMM frame to be used for
calculating the threshold values, use the following command:
configure cfm segment segment_name frame-delay window window_size
To configure the window size of a LMM frame to be used for
calculating the threshold values, use the following command:
configure cfm segment segment_name frame-loss window window_size
To trigger DMM frames at the specified transmit interval,
use the following command:
enable cfm segment frame-delay
measurement segment_name mep mep_id [continuous |
count ] value
To disable the transmission of the DMM frames for a
particular CFM segment, use the following command:
disable cfm segment
frame-delay measurement segment_name mep mep_id
To show the configuration and status of a specific CFM
segment, use the following command:
show cfm segment {segment_name}
To show the configuration and status of a specific CFM
segment doing delay measurement, use the following command:
show cfm segment frame-delay {segment_name]}
To show the configuration and status of a specific CFM
segment doing loss measurement, use the following command:
show cfm segment frame-loss
To display the frame delay statistics for the CFM segment,
use the following command:
show cfm segment frame-delay
statistics {segment-name}
To configure the timeout value for a CFM segment, use the
following command:
configure cfm segment segment_name timeout msec
To add or delete the local MEP for a given CFM segment,
use the following command:
configure cfm segment segment_name frame-loss [add|delete] mep mep_id
To set the percentage of frames lost in a measurement
period so that it will be marked as SES (severely errored second), use the following
configure cfm segment segment_name frame-loss ses-threshold percent
To set the number of consecutive measurements used to
determine the availability status of a CFM segment, use the following command:
configure cfm segment segment_name frame-loss consecutive frames
To start the transmission of LMM frames for the set
transmit interval, use the following command:
enable cfm segment frame-loss
measurement segment_name mep mep_id [continuous | count frames]

For the above command, If
the the segment is not completely configured, frames are not transmitted
and an error occurs.
To stop the transmission of the LMM frames for a
particular CFM segment, use the following command:
disable cfm segment frame-loss
measurement segment_name mep mep_id
To display the frame loss or frame delay statistics for
the CFM segment, use the following command:
show cfm segment {{segment_name} | {frame-delay {segment_name}} | {frame-loss {segment_name {mep mep_id}}}}
Frame-loss measurements
are not supported on platforms where the VLAN packet statistics are not retrieved, and
on up-meps.