A route map consists of a sequence of instances, the equivalent of rows in a table. The device evaluates a route according to route map instances in ascending numerical order. The route is first compared against instance 1, then against instance 2, and so on. When a match is found, the device stops evaluating the route.
Route maps can contain match clauses and set statements. Each route map contains a permit or deny statement for routes that match the match clauses (except when a continue statement is used):
If the route map contains set statements, routes that are permitted by the route map match statements are modified according to the set statements.
Match statements
Match statements compare the route against one or more of the following:
Set statements
For routes that match all of the match statements, for all the routes that are permitted by the route-map match statements, the route map set statements can perform one or more of the following modifications to the route attributes:
When you configure parameters for redistributing routes into BGP4, one of the optional parameters is a route map. If you specify a route map as one of the redistribution parameters, the device matches the route against the match statements in the route map. If a match is found and if the route map contains set statements, the device sets the attributes in the route according to the set statements.
For more information about creating and using route maps, see the following commands in the Extreme SLX-OS Command Reference.