Enabling a master VRRP device

This task is performed on the device that is designated as the master VRRP device. For example, Router 1 is the master VRRP device In the figure that follows.

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Basic VRRP topology
  1. On the device designated as the master VRRP device, and from privileged EXEC mode, enter configuration mode.
    device# configure terminal
  2. Globally enable VRRP.
    device(config)# protocol vrrp
  3. Configure the Ethernet interface link for Router 1.
    device(config)# interface ethernet 1/6
  4. Configure the IP address of the interface.
    device(conf-if-eth-1/6)# ip address
  5. Assign Router 1 to a group called Group 1.
    device(conf-if-eth-1/6)# vrrp-group 1
  6. Assign a virtual router IP address.
    device(config-vrrp-group-1)# virtual-ip


    For VRRP, the physical router whose IP address is the same as the virtual router group IP address becomes the owner and master.

The following example configures a VRRP master device.

device# configure
device(config)# protocol vrrp
device(config)# interface ethernet 1/6
device(conf-if-eth-1/6)# ip address
device(conf-if-eth-1/6)# vrrp-group 1
device(config-vrrp-group-1)# virtual-ip