show nodealias mac

show nodealias mac mac_address {protocol protocol_name | ports [port_list | all]}


This command shows alias information collected by the Node Alias feature for the specified MAC address. Node Alias discovers information about the end systems on a per-port basis. Information from packets from end systems, such as VLANID, source MAC address, source IP address, protocol, etc. are captured in a database that can be queried.

Syntax Description

nodealias Node Alias feature that maps source IP address, MAC address, host name, and protocol on a per port basis.
mac Designates displaying node aliases with the specified MAC address.
mac_address Specifies for which MAC address to display node alias information.
protocol Designates that you want to see only alias information discovered by a particular protocol (default is all protocols).
protocol_name Specifies the protocol that you want to see alias information discovered by: ip, ipv6, ospf, bgp, bootps, bootpc, vrrp, dhcps, dhcpc, bpdu, udp, mdns, llmnr, or ssdp.
ports Designates that you want to only see node alias information for the selected ports (default is all ports).
port_list Specifies for which ports to show node alias information. Designated as a port list separated by comma (,) or dash (-).
all (Default) Shows node alias information for all ports.


If a specific protocol is not selected, information appears for all protocols. If specific port(s) are not selected, information appears for all ports.


The following example shows node alias information for MAC address 20:b3:99:5e:b5:e5 and on all ports, discovered by all protocols:

# show nodealias mac 20:b3:99:5e:b5:e5 

Port   MAC Address          Alias ID  Time Last Learned    VID   Protocol  Source IP 
-----  -----------------  ----------  -------------------  ----  --------  ---------------
10     20:b3:99:5e:b5:e5   716168878  2016-06-24 13:23:57  1     ip 


This command was first available in ExtremeXOS 22.2.

Platform Availability

This command is available on the ExtremeSwitching X440-G2, X450-G2, X460-G2, X465, X590, X620, X670-G2, X690, and X870 series switches.