show checkpoint-data

show checkpoint-data {process}


Displays the status of one or more processes being copied from the master node to the backup node.

Syntax Description

process Specifies the name of the processes being copied.



Usage Guidelines

This command displays, in percentages, the amount of internal state copying completed by each process and the traffic statistics between the process on both the master and the backup nodes.

This command is also helpful in debugging synchronization problems that occur at run-time. To check the status of synchronizing the nodes, use the show switch command.

Depending on the software version running on your switch and the type of switch you have, additional or different checkpoint status information may be displayed.


The following command displays the checkpointing status and the traffic statics of all of the processes between the master and the backup nodes:

# show checkpoint-data
Process          Tx     Rx  Errors   Sent  Total     % Chkpt    Debug-info
devmgr         3812   1731       0      3      3  100% ON  OK   1 (00008853)
dirser            0      0       0      0      0    0% ON  OK   1 (000008D3)
ems               5      0       0      0      0  100% ON  OK   1 (000008D3)
nodemgr           0      0       0      0      0    0% ON  OK   1 (000008D3)
snmpSubagent      0      0       0      0      0    0% ON  OK   1 (000018D3)
snmpMaster        0      0       0      0      0    0% ON  OK   1 (000008D3)
cli               0      0       0      0      0    0% ON  OK   1 (000018D3)
edp               0      0       0      0      0    0% ON  OK   1 (000008D3)
cfgmgr           82     82       0      1      1  100% ON  OK   1 (000018D3)
elrp              0      0       0      0      0    0% ON  OK   1 (000008D3)
vlan           1047      1       0      0      0  100% ON  OK   1 (000008D3)
aaa               0      0       0      0      0    0% ON  OK   1 (000008D3)
fdb             957      2       0      0      0  100% ON  OK   1 (000008D3)
msgsrv            0      0       0      0      0  100% ON  OK   1 (000008D3)
eaps              0      0       0      0      0    0% ON  OK   1 (000008D3)
stp               1      0       0      0      0    0% ON  OK   1 (000008D3)
esrp              1      0       0      0      0  100% ON  OK   1 (000008D3)
polMgr            0      0       0      0      0    0% ON  OK   1 (000008D3)
mcmgr             2      2       0      0      0  100% ON  OK   1 (000008D3)
acl               0      0       0      0      0  100% ON  OK   1 (000008D3)
netLogin          0      0       0      0      0    0% ON  OK   1 (000008D3)
ospf              0      0       0      0      0    0% ON  OK   1 (000008D3)
netTools          1      0       0      0      0  100% ON  OK   1 (000008D3)
telnetd           0      0       0      0      0    0% ON  OK   1 (000008D3)
rtmgr             4      4       0      0      0  100% ON  OK   1 (000008D3)
vrrp            378      0       0      0      0    0% ON  OK   1 (000008D3)
tftpd             0      0       0      0      0    0% ON  OK   1 (000008D3)
thttpd            0      0       0      0      0    0% ON  OK   1 (000008D3)
rip               0      0       0      0      0    0% ON  OK   1 (000008D3)
dosprotect        0      0       0      0      0    0% ON  OK   1 (000008D3)
epm               0      0       0      0      0    0% ON  OK   1 (000008D3)
hal               0      0       0      0      0    0% ON  OK   1 (000008D3)
bgp               0      0       0      0      0    0% ON  OK   1 (000008D3)
pim               0      0       0      0      0    0% ON  OK   1 (000008D3)
etmon           185    185       0      0      0  100% ON  OK   1 (000008D3)
Flags : S - Server started, c - Client started, D - Checkpoint dependency satisfied
        C - Checkpointing is ON, f - No config dependency, N - DMLIB not in sync
        R - CM Backend not ready, l - Process is loading config, L - Process config is loaded
        I - IPML connection alive

To view the output for a specific process, use the process option. The following command displays detailed information for the STP process:

# show checkpoint-data stp
Process          Tx     Rx  Errors   Sent  Total     % Chkpt    Debug-info
stp               1      0       0      0      0    0% ON  OK   1 (000008D3)


This command was first available in ExtremeXOS 10.1.

An error count was added to the output in ExtremeXOS 11.1.

IPML connection alive flag added in ExtremeXOS 22.5.

Platform Availability

This command is available only on SummitStack.