show snmpv3 user

show snmpv3 user {[[hex hex_user_name] | user_name]}


Displays detailed information about the user.

Syntax Description

hex_user_name Specifies the user name to display. The value is to be supplied as a colon separated string of hex octets.
user_name Specifies the user name to display. The value is to be supplied in ASCII format.



Usage Guidelines

The show snmpv3 user command displays the details of a user. If you do not specify a user name, the command will display details for all the users. The authentication and privacy passwords and keys will not be displayed.

The user entries in SNMPv3 are stored in the USMUserTable, so the entries are indexed by EngineID and user name.


The following command lists all user entries:

show snmpv3 user

The following is sample output from this command:

switch # sh snmpv3 user
Engine-ID       : 80:00:07:7c:03:00:04:96:27:b6:7b 'H'
User Name       : admin
Security Name   : admin
Authentication  : HMAC-MD5
Privacy         : DES
Storage Type    : NonVolatile
Row Status      : Active
Engine-ID       : 80:00:07:7c:03:00:04:96:27:b6:7b 'H'
User Name       : initial
Security Name   : initial
Authentication  : No-Authentication
Privacy         : No-Privacy
Storage Type    : NonVolatile
Row Status      : Active
Engine-ID       : 80:00:07:7c:03:00:04:96:27:b6:7b 'H'
User Name       : initialmd5
Security Name   : initialmd5
Authentication  : HMAC-MD5
Privacy         : No-Privacy
Storage Type    : NonVolatile
Row Status      : Active
Engine-ID       : 80:00:07:7c:03:00:04:96:27:b6:7b 'H'
User Name       : initialsha
Security Name   : initialsha
Authentication  : HMAC-SHA
Privacy         : No-Privacy
Storage Type    : NonVolatile
Row Status      : Active
Engine-ID       : 80:00:07:7c:03:00:04:96:27:b6:7b 'H'
User Name       : initialmd5Priv
Security Name   : initialmd5Priv
Authentication  : HMAC-MD5
Privacy         : DES
Storage Type    : NonVolatile
Row Status      : Active
Engine-ID       : 80:00:07:7c:03:00:04:96:27:b6:7b 'H'
User Name       : initialshaPriv
Security Name   : initialshaPriv
Authentication  : HMAC-SHA
Privacy         : DES
Storage Type    : NonVolatile
Row Status      : Active
Total num. of entries in usmUserTable : 6

The following command lists details for the specified user, testuser:

show snmpv3 user testuser


This command was first available in ExtremeXOS 10.1.

The hex_user_name parameter was added in ExtremeXOS 11.0.

Platform Availability

This command is available on the ExtremeSwitching X435, X440-G2, X450-G2, X460-G2, X465, X590, X620, X670-G2, X690, X695, and X870 series switches.