Managing SSH Client Public Keys

You can import SSH client public keys to establish an authenticated log in to the device from an external ssh client. You can also delete the key from the device to prevent it from being used for an authenticated log in.

To manage the SSH client public keys, perform the following steps.
  1. Import an SSH client public key to the device.
    device# certutil import sshkey directory /root/.ssh/ file 
    host login root password pass protocol SCP user admin
    This example imports the SSH client public key for the admin user from the remote host using the directory and file information for the key and using SCP log-in credentials.
    You can also copy the public key directly. For example:
    device# certutil sshkey user admin pubkey “ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQ

    After the public key is imported or copied for a user, password-based authentication becomes a fallback option for that particular user. This user can log in using the public key. If a user tries to log in from a device on which the public key is not present, then the user is prompted for a password. When the public key is removed for the user, only password-based authentication is enabled for that particular user.



    When the public key is imported or removed, the SSH server is automatically rebooted and all active SSH connections are terminated.
  2. Enter the password for the user.
    Password: ***********
    When the SSH key is imported, the following message is displayed.
    device# 2019/01/14-10:28:58, [SEC-3050], 75, INFO, SLX9540, 
    Event: sshutil, Status: success, Info: Imported SSH public key from for user 'admin'.
  3. Delete an SSH public key from the device.
    This action resets the device to a password-based login.
    device# no certutil sshkey user admin
    This example deletes the SSH client key for the admin user.


    When the public key is imported or removed, the SSH server is automatically rebooted and all active SSH connections are terminated.