Displaying the cluster client information

The following example displays all client information for cluster 1.
device# show cluster client 22
Client Info:
Interface: Port-channel 20, client-id: 1020, Deployed, State: Up
Description		  : U27
Local Vlans		  : 1,61-300
Local Bridge Domains	: 20,100
Remote Vlans		 : 1,61-300
Remote Bridge Domains      : 20
DF Elected for all vlans/BDs

The following example displays cluster client-pw information.

device# show cluster client-pw
Client Info:
Interface: PW, client-id: 34816, Deployed, State: Down
Local Vlans: 
Local Bridge Domains          : 20
Remote Vlans                  : 
Remote Bridge Domains         : 20
Number of DF Vlans            : 0
Elected DF for vlans          : 
Number of DF Bridge Domains   : 1
Elected DF for Bridge Domains : 20 

The following example displays cluster client IP.

device# show cluster client
Client Info:
Interface: Tunnel 61441, client-id:, Deployed, State: Up
Local Vlans                   : 41-60,400       
Local Bridge Domains          : 20       
Remote Vlans                  : 400       
Remote Bridge Domains         : 20       
Number of DF Vlans            : 20       
Elected DF for vlans          : 41-60       
Number of DF Bridge Domains   : 0
Elected DF for Bridge Domains :