Enabling and configuring PVST+ globally

Use this procedure to enable and set parameters for PVST+.

You can enable PVST+ with one or more parameters configured. The parameters can be configured or changed individually by entering the commands in steps 1 and 2, running the parameter command, verifying the result, and then saving the configuration.

For more information about spanning trees and spanning tree parameters, see the introductory sections in the Spanning Tree Protocol chapter.

  1. Enter global configuration mode.
    device# configure terminal
  2. Enable PVST+.
    device(config)# protocol spanning-tree pvst
  3. Configure the bridge priority for the common instance.
    device(config-pvst)# bridge-priority 4096
    Valid values range from 0 through 61440 in increments of 4096. Assigning a lower priority value indicates that the bridge might become root.

    You can shut down PVST+ by entering the shutdown command when in PVST configuration mode.

  4. Configure the forward delay parameter.
    device(config-pvst)# forward-delay  11
  5. Configure the hello time parameter.
    device(config-pvst)# hello-time 2
  6. Configure the maximum age parameter.
    device(config-pvst)# max-age 7
  7. Return to privileged exec mode.
    device(config-pvst)# end
  8. Verify the configuration.
    device#  show spanning-tree brief
    VLAN 1
     Spanning-tree Mode: PVST Protocol
          Root ID      Priority 4097
                       Address 01e0.5200.0180
                       Hello Time 2, Max Age 7, Forward Delay 11
          Bridge ID    Priority 4097
                       Address 01e0.5200.0180
                       Hello Time 2, Max Age 7, Forward Delay 11
     Interface     Role  Sts  Cost       Prio  Link-type        Edge
    VLAN 100
     Spanning-tree Mode: PVST Protocol
          Root ID      Priority 4196
                       Address 01e0.5200.0180
                       Hello Time 2, Max Age 7, Forward Delay 11
          Bridge ID    Priority 4196
                       Address 01e0.5200.0180
                       Hello Time 2, Max Age 7, Forward Delay 11
     Interface     Role  Sts  Cost       Prio  Link-type        Edge

    Observe that the settings comply with the formula set out in the STP parameters section, as:

    (2 × (forward delay - 1)) ≥ maximum age ≥ (2 × (hello time + 1))

    or in this case: 20 ≥7 ≥ 6.

  9. Save the configuration.
    device# copy running-config startup-config

PVST+ configuration example

device# configure terminal
device(config)# protocol spanning-tree pvst
device(config-pvst)# bridge-priority 4096
device(config-pvst)# forward-delay 11
device(config-pvst)# hello-time 2
device(config-pvst)# max-age 7
device(config-pvst)# end
device# show spanning-tree brief
device# copy running-config startup-config

For more information about configuring PVST+ parameters, see STP parameters. PVST+, R-PVST+, and other types of spanning trees share many tasks with STP.