AP IPv6 Neighbor Snooping
IPv6 snooping bundles layer 2 IPv6 hop security features, such as
IPv6 ND inspection, IPv6 address gleaning and IPv6 device tracking. When IPv6 ND is
configured on a device, packet capture instructions redirect the ND protocol and
DHCP for IPv6 traffic up to the controller for inspection.
A database of connected IPv6 neighbors is created from the IPv6
neighbor snoop. The database is used by IPv6 to validate the link layer address,
IPv6 address and prefix binding of the neighbors to prevent spoofing and potential
redirect attacks.
Access Points listen to IPv6 formatted network traffic and forward IPv6 packets to
radios on which the interested hosts are connected.
To review IPv6 neighbor snooping statistics:
Select the Statistics menu from the Web
Expand the System node from the
navigation pane (on the left-hand side of the screen).
The System node expands to display the RF
Domains created within the managed network.
Expand an RF Domain node, and select
one of it's connected access points.
The Access Point's statistics menu
displays in the right-hand side of the screen, with the Health tab selected by
Expand the Firewall menu.
Select IPv6 Neighbor Snooping.
The screen displays in the right-hand pane.
This screen displays the following
Address |
Displays the hardware encoded MAC address of an IPv6
client reporting to the controller or service
platform. |
Type |
Displays the NetBios node type from an IPv6 address
pool from which IP addresses can be issued to requesting
clients. |
Address |
Displays the IPv6 address used for DHCPv6 discovery
and requests between the DHCPv6 server and DHCP
clients. |
Displays the controller or service platform virtual
interface ID used for a new DHCPv6
configuration. |
Id |
Lists MiNT IDs for each listed VLAN. MiNT provides
the means to secure communications at the transport
layer. Using MiNT, a device can be configured to only
communicate with other authorized (MiNT enabled) devices
of the same model. |
Snoop Id |
Lists the numeric snooping session ID generated when
Access Points listen to IPv6 formatted network traffic
and forward IPv6 packets to radios. |
Elapsed Since Last Update |
Displays the amount of time elapsed since the DHCPv6
server was last updated. |
Select Clear
Neighbors to revert the counters to zero and begin a new data
Select Refresh to
update the screen‘s counters to their latest values.