DNS Configuration

DNS (Domain Name System) is a hierarchical naming system for resources connected to the Internet or a private network. Primarily, DNS resources translate domain names into IP addresses. If one DNS server doesn't know how to translate a particular domain name, it asks another one until the correct IP address is returned. DNS enables access to resources using human friendly notations. DNS converts human friendly domain names into notations used by different networking equipment for locating resources.

As a resource is accessed (using human-friendly hostnames), it's possible to access the resource even if the underlying machine friendly notation name changes. Without DNS, in the simplest terms, you would need to remember a series of numbers ( instead of an easy to remember domain name (for example, www.domainname.com).

To define the DNS configuration:

  1. Go to Configuration → Devices → System Profile .

    The AP's Profile configuration menu displays.

  2. Expand the Network menu and select DNS.
    Click to expand in new window
    Network - DNS Screen
  3. Set the following Domain Name System (DNS) configuration data:
    Domain Name Provide the default Domain Name used to resolve DNS names. The name cannot exceed 64 characters.
    Enable Domain Lookup Select the check box to enable DNS. When enabled, human friendly domain names are converted into numerical IP destination addresses. The radio button is selected by default.
    DNS Server Forwarding Select this option to enable the forwarding DNS queries to external DNS servers if a DNS query cannot be processed by local DNS resources. This feature is disabled by default.
  4. In the Name Servers field, provide the IP addresses of up to three DNS server resources available to the access point.
  5. Set the following DNS Servers IPv6 configuration data when using IPv6:
    IPv6 DNS Name Server Provide the default domain name used to resolve IPv6 DNS names. When an IPv6 host is configured with the address of a DNS server, the host sends DNS name queries to the server for resolution. A maximum of three entries are permitted.
    IPv6 DNS Server Forward Select the check box to enable IPv6 DNS domain names to be converted into numerical IP destination addresses. The setting is disabled by default.
  6. Click OK to save the changes made to the DNS configuration.

    Click Reset to revert to the last saved configuration.