IP firewall configurations can either be modified as a collective group of variables or selected and updated individually as their filtering attributes require a more refined update.
Only those selected IP ACL filter attributes display. Each value can have its current setting adjusted by selecting that IP ACL‘s column to display a pop-up to adjust that one value.Precedence | Specify or modify a precedence for this IP policy between 1-5000. Rules with lower precedence are always applied to packets first. If modifying a precedence to apply a higher integer, it will move down the table to reflect its lower priority. |
Action | Every IP Firewall rule is made up
of matching criteria rules. The action defines the packet‘s
disposition if it matches the specified criteria. The
following actions are supported:
Source | Select the source IP address used as basic matching criteria for this IP ACL rule. |
Destination | Determine whether filtered packet destinations for this IP firewall rule do not require any classification (any), are designated as a set of configurations consisting of protocol and port mappings (an alias), set as a numeric IP address (host) or defined as network IP and mask. Selecting alias requires a destination network group alias be available or created. |
Protocol | Set a service alias as a set of configurations consisting of protocol and port mappings. Both source and destination ports are configurable. Set an alphanumeric service alias (beginning with a $) and include the protocol as relevant. |
Mark | Select an IP firewall rule‘s Mark check box to enable or disable event marking and set the rule‘s 8021p or dscp level (from 0 - 7). |
Log | Select an IP firewall rule‘s Log check box to enable or disable event logging for this rule‘s usage. |
Enable | This option displays for IPv4 based firewalls only. Select an IPv4 firewall rule‘s Enable or Disable icon to determine this rule‘s inclusion with the IP firewall policy. |
Description | Lists the administrator assigned description applied to the IP ACL rule. Select a description within the table to modify its character string as filtering changes warrant. Select the icon within the Description table header to launch a Select Columns screen used to add or remove IP ACL criteria from the table. |