Controller Device

The Device screen provides detailed information about the selected device within the controller, service platform managed system.

To view system device statistics:

  1. Select the Statistics tab from the Web UI.
  2. Expand the System node on the top, left-hand side of the screen. The System node expands to display the RF Domains created within the managed network.
  3. Expand an RF Domain node, and select one its connected Wireless Controller/Service Platform.
  4. Select Device from the left-hand side of the UI.
    Click to expand in new window
The System field displays the following:
Model Number Displays the model number for the selected controller or service platform.
Serial Number Displays the serial number factory encoded on the controller or service platform at the factory.
Version Displays the unique alphanumeric firmware version name for the controller or service platform firmware.
Boot Partition Displays the boot partitioning type (primary or secondary).
Fallback Enabled Displays whether fallback is enabled. The fallback feature enables a user to store both a legacy and new firmware version in memory. You can test the new software and use an automatic fallback mechanism, which loads the old version, if the new version fails.
Fallback Image Triggered Displays whether the fallback image has been triggered. The fallback is a legacy software image stored in device memory. This allows an user to test a new version and revert to the older version if needed.
Next Boot Designates this version as the version used the next time the controller or service platform is booted.
The System Resources table displays the following:
Available Memory (MB) Displays the available memory (in MB) available on the selected device (controller or service platform).
Total Memory (MB) Displays the total memory resources available to the selected device.
Currently Free RAM Displays the free RAM space available to the selected device. If its very low, free up some space by closing some processes.
Recommended RAM Displays the recommended RAM required for routine operation.
Current File Description Displays the current file description.
Maximum File Description Displays the maximum file description.
CPU Load 1 Minute Lists the typical device processor load over 1 minute.
CPU Load 5 Minutes Lists the typical device processor load over 5 minutes.
CPU Load 15 Minutes Lists the typical device processor load over 15 minutes.
The Upgrade Status field displays firmware upgrade statistics. The table provides the following:
Upgrade Status Displays whether the image upgrade was successful.
Upgrade Status Time Displays the time of the upgrade.
The IP Domain field displays the following:
IP Domain Name Displays the name of the IP Domain service used with the selected device (controller or service platform).
IP Domain Lookup state Lists the current state of the lookup operation.
The Fan Speed field displays the following:
Number Displays the number of fans supported on the this controller or service platform.
Speed (Hz) Displays the fan speed in Hz.
The Temperature field displays the following:
Number Displays the number of temperature elements (gauges) utilized by the selected device (controller or service platform).
Temperature Displays the current temperature (in Celsius) to assess a potential overheat condition.
The Kernal Buffers field displays the following:
Buffer Size Lists the sequential buffer size.
Current Buffers Displays the current buffers available to the selected device (controller or service platform.
Maximum Buffers Lists the maximum buffers available to the selected device.
The Firmware Images field displays the following:
Primary Build Rate Displays the build date when this version was created.
Primary Install Date Displays the date this firmware version was installed on the controller or service platform.
Primary Version Displays the primary version string.
Secondary Build Date Displays the build date when this secondary version was created.
Secondary Install Date Displays the date this secondary version was installed on the controller or service platform.
Secondary Version Displays the secondary version string.
FGPA Version Displays the FGPA version string.
PoE Firmware Version Displays the version of the PoE (Power Over Ethernet) firmware if the PoE feature is available.
The AP Licenses field displays the following license information for access points:
AP Licenses Displays the number of AP licenses currently available on the controller or service platform. This value represents the maximum number of licenses the controller or service platform can adopt.
AP Adoptions Displays the number of APs adopted by this controller or service platform.
AP License Displays the license string of the AP.
The AAP Licenses field displays the following license information for adaptive access points:
AAP Licenses Displays the number of AAP (adaptive access point) licenses currently available. This value represents the maximum number of licenses the controller or service platform can adopt.
AAP Adoptions Displays the number of AAPs adopted by this controller or service platform.
AAP License Displays the license string of the AAP.
The Additional Licenses area displays the following information:
ADSEC Displays the number of Advanced Security licenses. This enables the Role Based firewall and increases the number of IP Sec VPN tunnels. The maximum number of IP Sec VPN tunnels varies by platform.
WIPS Displays the number of WIPS licenses utilized by the controller or service platform.
Hotspot Analytics Displays whether an advanced hotspot analytics license is in use and applied to the controller or service platform.
The IP Name Servers table displays the following:
Name Server Displays any custom Name Server mappings on the controller or service platform.
Type Displays the type of DNS mapping, if any, on the controller or service platform.
The IPv6 Name Servers table displays the following:
Name Server Displays any custom IPv6 formatted IP address Name Server mappings on the controller or service platform.
Type Displays the type of DNS mapping, if any, on the controller or service platform.
The IPv6 Hop Limit table displays the following:
Hop Limit Lists the maximum number of times IPv6 traffic can hop. The IPv6 header contains a hop limit field that controls the number of hops a datagram can be sent before being discarded (similar to the TTL field in an IPv4 header).
The IPv6 Delegated Prefixes field displays the following:
IPv6 Delegated Prefix If IPv6, prefix delegation is used to assign a network address prefix, configuring the controller or service platform with the prefix.
Prefix Name Lists the 32 character maximum name for the IPv6 delegated prefix used as an easy to remember alias for an entire IPv6 address.
DHVPv6 Client State Displays the current DHCPv6 client state as impacted by the IPv6 delegated prefix.
Interface Name Lists the interface over which IPv6 prefix delegation occurs.
T1 timer (seconds) Lists the amount of time in seconds before the DHCP T1 (delay before renew) timer expires.
T2 timer (seconds) Lists the amount of time in seconds before the DHCP T2 (delay before rebind) timer expires.
Last Refreshed Lists the time, in seconds, since IPv6 prefix delegation has been updated.
Preferred Lifetime (seconds) Lists is the time in seconds (relative to when the packet is sent) the IPv6 formatted addresses remains in a preferred state on the selected interface. The preferred lifetime must always be less than or equal to the valid lifetime.
Valid Lifetime (seconds) Displays the time in seconds (relative to when the packet is sent) the IPv6 formatted address remains in a valid state on the selected interface. The valid lifetime must always be greater than or equal to the preferred lifetime.