system-monitoring power alert state removed action raslog

Monitors the power supply component and generates RASLog when the component changes from the configured state.


system-monitoring power alert state removed action raslog


Configures alerts for the POWER SUPPLY component.
Specifies the supported states for component (power supply) that may be monitored.
Specifies the action that may be taken when component (power supply) changes from the configured state.


Global configuration mode


device(config)# system-monitor power ?
Possible completions:
  alert       Configure alerts for component:POWER SUPPLY
  threshold   Configure threshold for component:POWER SUPPLY
device(config)# system-monitor power alert ?
Possible completions:
  action   Action that may be taken when component:POWER SUPPLY changes
           configured state
  state    Supported states for component: POWER-SUPPLY that may be monitored
device(config)# system-monitor power alert state ?
Possible completions:
  [removed]  all  faulty  inserted  none  on  removed
device(config)# system-monitor power alert state removed ?
Possible completions:
  action   Action that may be taken when component:POWER SUPPLY changes
           configured state
device(config)# system-monitor power alert state removed action ?
Possible completions:
  [raslog]  all  email  none  raslog
device(config)# system-monitor power alert state removed action raslog ?
Possible completions:
device(config)# system-monitor power alert state removed action raslog