management-heartbeat manager (management-heartbeat)

The heartbeat-manager sub mode, under the Global Configuration mode, enables configuration of the various parameters associated with SLX devices listening for heartbeat message from EFA. Use this mode to enable heartbeat monitoring, to configure threshold time for listening to heartbeat messages, to configure actions to be performed on expiration of the configured threshold time.


management-heartbeat manager
no management-heartbeat manager

Command Default

Heartbeat monitoring must be enabled explicitly using the enable command from within this mode.

When this command is executed, an entry for this mode is created in the running-config.

SLX(config-management-heartbeat-manage)# do show running-config management-heartbeat manager
management-heartbeat manager
 threshold-timer 5
 action maintenance-mode-enable

The no form of this command removes the management-heartbeat manager configuration from the running-config.

SLX(config-management-heartbeat-manage)# do show running-config management-heartbeat manager
management-heartbeat manager
 threshold-timer 5
 action maintenance-mode-enable
SLX(config-management-heartbeat-manage)# exit
SLX(config)# no management-heartbeat manager
SLX(config)# do show running-config management-heartbeat manager
% No entries found.


The following example changes the context to management-heartbeat-manage mode and lists all the commands within this context.

SLX# configure terminal
Entering configuration mode terminal
SLX(config)# management-heartbeat manager
Possible completions:

SLX(config)# management-heartbeat manager
SLX(config-management-heartbeat-manage)# ?
Possible completions:
  action            Action taken by switch on expiration of threshold time
  describe          Display transparent command information
  do                Run an operational-mode command
  enable            Enable manageability heartbeat in admin up state
  exit              Exit from current mode
  help              Provide help information
  no                Negate a command or set its defaults
  pwd               Display current mode path
  threshold-timer   Threshold timer for heartbeat miss
  top               Exit to top level and optionally run command