show mpls autobw-template

Displays the output of the MPLS auto-bandwidth template.


show mpls autobw-template [ detail ]


Displays the auto-bandwith template information in detail.


Privileged EXEC mode

Usage Guidelines

MPLS is supported on the Extreme 8820, SLX 9740, SLX 9640, and SLX 9540 devices only.


The following example displays a sample output of the command.

device# show mpls autobw-template 
Total number of auto-bandwidth templates: 2
                  Adjust    Adjust  Over/und   Minimum    Maximum  Monitor Ref. 
Name             Interval Threshold    Limit  Bandwidth  Bandwidth    Only Count
aaa                  1200        10    5/ 15       1000       8000      No     3
bbb                   600     Table    3/ 10        200      20000      No     5

The following example displays a sample output of the command using the detail option.

device# show mpls autobw-template detail
Total number of auto-bandwidth templates: 2
Auto-bandwidth template aaa:
 adjustment-interval: 1200 sec, adjustment-threshold: 10, mode: monitor-and-signal
 overflow-limit: 5, underflow-limit: 15
 minimum-bw: 1000 kbps, maximum-bw: 8000 kbps
 sample-record: enabled
 number of paths associated: 3
Auto-bandwidth template bbb:
 adjustment-interval: 600 sec, adjustment-threshold: Table, mode: monitor-and-signal
 overflow-limit: 3, underflow-limit: 10
 minimum-bw: 200 kbps, maximum-bw: 20000 kbps
 sample-record: disabled
 number of paths associated: 5