show ip dhcp relay address

Displays IP DHCP relay addresses configured globally and also displays this information on the interfaces where it is configured.


show ip dhcp relay address [ interface [ ethernet slot/port | port-channel port-channel-number | ve ve-number ] ]



Indicates that the information must be displayed for an interface.

ethernet slot/port
Indicates that the information must be displayed for an ethernet port with the provided slot/port number
port-channel port-channel-number
Indicates that the information must be displayed for a port-channel with the provided port-channel number
ve ve-number
Indicates that the information must be displayed for a Virtual Ethernet interface with the provided ve-interface number


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The show ip dhcp relay address command displays the following information:

Output Field Description
Interface The interface for which information is being displayed.
Relay Address The IP address of the DHCP relay.
VRF Name The VRF on which the DHCP relay can be reached.
DHCP Relay Information Option Displays the current state of the DHCP Relay Information Option setting. Displays Enabled or Disabled.
DHCP Relay Broadcast Flooding Displays the current state of the DHCP Relay Broadcast Flooding setting. Displays Enabled or Disabled.


The following example displays DHCP relay address(es) configured on interface 0/3:

SLX# show ip dhcp relay address interface ethernet 0/3

---------                     -------------                   --------
Interface                     Relay Address                   VRF Name
---------                     -------------                   --------
Eth 0/3						blue
Eth 0/3						default-vrf

The following example displays DHCP relay address(es) configured on VE 300:

SLX# show ip dhcp relay address interface ve 300

---------                  -------------                      -------- 
Interface                  Relay Address                      VRF Name
---------                  -------------                      --------
Ve 300                                       default-vrf 

The following example displays the DHCP relay information globally.

SLX# show ip dhcp relay address

DHCP Relay Information Option: Disabled
DHCP Relay Broadcast Flooding: Enabled
---------                     -------------                   --------
Interface                     Relay Address                   VRF Name
---------                     -------------                   --------
Eth 0/3						blue
Eth 0/3						default-vrf
Ve  300						default-vrf