threshold-monitor Cpu

Configures monitoring of CPU usage of the system and alerts the user when configured thresholds are exceeded.


threshold-monitor Cpu { [ limit value-in-percentage | poll polling-interval | retry retry-interval | [ actions [ all | loginfo | none | raslog | snmp ] ] ] }
no threshold-monitor cpu


Specifies the action to be taken when a threshold is exceeded. The values supported are all, loginfo, none, raslog, and snmp. The default action is all.
RASLOG and SNMP trap will be sent when the threshold is exceeded.
Additional diagnostics data will be collected along with RASLOG when the threshold is exceeded.
No action will be taken when the threshold is exceeded.
Only RASLOG will be sent when the threshold is exceeded.
Only SNMP traps will be sent when the threshold is exceeded.
limit value-in-percentage
Specifies the baseline CPU usage limit as a percentage (%) of available resources that will trigger the configured action. The range is 0%-95%. The default value is 50%.
poll polling-interval
Specifies the polling interval in seconds after which a sample will be taken. The range is 10-3600 seconds. The default interval is 120 seconds.
retry retry-interval
Specifies the number polling retries that will be attempted before desired action is taken. The range is 1-100. The default retries is 3.


Global configuration mode

Usage Guidelines

The default action is all. Prior to SLX-OS version 20.4.1, the default value was none.


SLX(config)# threshold-monitor Cpu ?
Possible completions:
  actions   Action to be taken when usage exceeds limit
  limit     PERCENT:0-95 Percent threshold usage for component:CPU
  poll      NUMBER:10-3600 Polling interval
  retry     NUMBER:1-100 Number of retries

This example details on threshold-monitor CPU actions.

SLX(config)# threshold-monitor Cpu actions ?
Possible completions:
  all       RASLOG and SNMP trap will be sent
  loginfo   Diagnostic data collection along with RASLOG
  none      No action will be taken
  raslog    RASLOG will be sent
  snmp      SNMP trap will be sent

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