show lldp neighbors

Displays Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP) Type Length Value (TLV) information for all neighboring devices on a specific interface.


show lldp neighbors interface ethernet slot/port [detail]


interface ethernet
Causes the display of LLDP information about an Ethernet interface.
Specifies a valid slot number. Must be 0 if the switch does not contain slots.
Specifies a valid port number.
Specifies the display of detailed LLDP neighbor information.


Privileged EXEC mode


The following example shows how to display LLDP neighbor information for a specific interface (Ethernet 0/18).

device# show lldp neighbors interface ethernet 1/18
Local Port  Dead Interval  Remaining Life  Remote Port ID   Remote Port Descr Chassis ID       Tx  Rx   System Name
Eth 1/18      120            115             Ethernet 2/25    Eth 2/25        768e.f807.6000   655 654  SLX  

The following example displays detailed LLDP neighbor information for a specific interface (Ethernet 0/18).

device# show lldp neighbors interface ethernet 0/18 detail

Neighbors for Interface Eth 0/18

Local Interface: Eth 0/18  (Local Interface MAC: 768e.f805.5816)
Remote Interface: Ethernet 0/25 (Remote Interface MAC: 768e.f807.610d)
Dead Interval: 120 secs
Remaining Life : 118 secs
Chassis ID: 768e.f807.6000
LLDP PDU Transmitted: 656  Received: 655

Port Interface Description: Eth 0/25
System Name: SLX


Remote AS number: 2250
Remote peer address:

This example displays the LLDP neighbors and their details.

device(config-cee-map-default)# do show lldp neighbors
Local Port    Dead Interval  Remaining Life  Remote Port ID                    Remote Port Descr                 Chassis ID       Tx           Rx           System Name
Eth 0/33      120            111             Ethernet 0/33                     Eth 0/33                          d8c4.9780.f41c   10           10           NH-Leaf2

Total no. of Records: 1
device(config-cee-map-default)# do show lldp neighbors detail
Neighbors for Interface Eth 0/33

Local Interface: Eth 0/33  (Local Interface MAC: d8c4.9780.f53d)
Remote Interface: Ethernet 0/33 (Remote Interface MAC: d8c4.9780.f43e)
Dead Interval: 120 secs
Remaining Life : 105 secs
Chassis ID: d8c4.9780.f41c
LLDP PDU Transmitted: 10  Received: 10

Port Interface Description: Eth 0/33
System Name: NH-Leaf2
Remote Protocols Advertised:  Link Aggregation
Remote VLANs Configured:
      VLAN ID:    1  VLAN Name: default
      VLAN ID:    5  VLAN Name: VLAN0005
      VLAN ID:   10  VLAN Name: VLAN0010
      VLAN ID:   50  VLAN Name: VLAN0050
      VLAN ID:  500  VLAN Name: VLAN0500
Port Vlan Id: 1
Port & Protocol Vlan Flag: Supported,  Not enabled
Port & Protocol Vlan Id: 0

Version : CEE
DCBX Ctrl OperVersion: 0  MaxVersion: 0  SeqNo: 2 AckNo: 2
DCBX ETS OperVersion: 0  MaxVersion: 0  Enabled: 1  Willing: 0 Error: 0
Enhanced Transmission Selection (ETS)
  Priority-Group ID Map:
    Priority : 0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7
    Group ID : 0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
  Group ID Bandwidth Map:
    Group ID  :   0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7
    Percentage:   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0
    Number of Traffic Classes supported: 8
DCBX PFC OperVersion: 0  MaxVersion: 0  Enabled: 1  Willing: 0 Error: 0
Priority-based Flow Control (PFC)
     Enabled Priorities: none
     Number of Traffic Class PFC supported: 8
LAN LLS OperVersion: 0  MaxVersion: 0  Enabled: 1  Willing: 0 Error: 0
LAN  Logic Link Status: Up

8021 DCBX TLVs
Version : IEEE 8021
8021 ETS Recommendation:

Enhanced Transmission Selection (ETS)
  Priority-Group ID Map:
    Priority : 0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7
    Group ID : 0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
  Group ID Bandwidth Map:
    Group ID  :   0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7
    Percentage:   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0
    Number of Traffic Classes supported: 8

  TSA Assignment Map:
    Group ID  :   0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7
    TSA   :       2   2   2   2   2   2   2   2

8021 PFC configuration Willing: 0 MBC: 0
Priority-based Flow Control (PFC)
     Enabled Priorities: none
     Number of Traffic Class PFC supported: 8

Link Aggregation Capability: Capable
Link Aggregation Status: Enabled
Link Aggregation Port Id: 671088650