show threshold monitor host

Displays details about the current Host entries limit and the hardware table usage.


show threshold monitor host




Privilege Execution Mode

Usage Guidelines



The show threshold monitor host command displays the following information:

Output Field Description
Current Profile Limit This section contains information about the limits.
IPv4 ARP Displays the configured number of IPv4 ARP entries.
IPv6 ND Displays the configured number of IPv6 ND entries.
Host count This section contains the current statistics.
ARP Entry The actual number of IPv4 ARP entries and the calculated percentage with respect to the configured maximum.
ND Entry The actual number of IPv6 ND entries and the calculated percentage with respect to the configured maximum.
Host Table Usage Displays the actual space used (in percentage) when compared to the space allocated for the Host table.


SLX# show threshold monitor host

Current profile limit
  IPv4 ARP : 65024
  IPv6 ND  : 40960
Host count
  ARP Entry        : 13674 (21%)
  ND Entry         : 8759 (21%)
  Host Table Usage : 26%


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