show environment temp

Displays information pertaining to the environment temperature.


show environment temp


(Not currently supported) Specifies to display information in detail.


Privileged EXEC mode


The command displays the following information

Output Field Description
Sensor ID The numerical ID of the sensor for which the values are being displayed.

The grid location captures the approximate XYZ location of the sensor within the switch and is formatted as XXZ-YY. This value is interpreted as follows:

  • The first two characters (XX) capture the sensor location along the depth of the chassis. The values are:

    • NP - Non-port side
    • PS - Port side
    • MI - Middle
  • The third character indicates the vertical location of the sensor. The values are:

    • T - Top of the board (sensors are not limited to the motherboard)
    • B - Bottom of the board (sensors are not limited to the motherboard)
  • The last number captures the horizontal location of the sensor. It ranges from 0 to 10.

    • 0 is at the left edge of the chassis.
    • 10 is at the right edge of the chassis.
Description The description of the location where the sensor is deployed and area it is monitoring.
State The current state of the sensor.
Value (C) The current temperature value (in degree Celsius) for the monitored area.
Threshold (C) AL The configured Alarm threshold value (in degree Celsius) for the monitored area.
Threshold (C) CR The configured Critical threshold value (in degree Celsius) for the monitored area.


This example displays the environment temperature.

 SLX# show environment temp

Sensor  Grid    Description            State          Value  Thresholds(°C)
  ID                                                   (°C)    AL     CR
  1     PST-7   Switch ASIC 1          Ok               21     52     60
  2     PST-7   Switch ASIC 2          Ok               21     52     60
  3     NPT-2   SODIMM 1               Ok               21    115    120
  4     NPT-7   Switch ASIC 3          Ok               30    115    120
  5     PST-9   Main Board 1           Ok               24    115    120
  6     PST-1   MGMT Board             Ok               20     52     60
  7     PST-3   CPU Board 1            Ok               38     98    103
  8     MIT-3   CPU Temp               Ok               30     80     85

Legend for 'Grid' column:
First two letters: NP = Non-Port side; PS = Port side; MI = Middle
Third letter: T = Top of the board; B = Bottom of the board
Number: 0 = Left chassis edge; 5 = Middle; 10 = Right chassis edge