qos map cos-mutation

Creates a QoS CoS mutation map.


qos map cos-mutation map-name



The name of the QoS CoS mutation map to be created. The name can be up to 64 characters. It should start with an alphabet and can only contain - (hyphen) and _ (underscore) special characters.


Global Configuration Mode

Usage Guidelines

This command creates a QoS CoS Mutation map and further configuration must be performed within its context.

Supported In

SLX 9740 and Extreme 8820


The following example shows how to create a QoS CoS mutation map.

SLX# configure terminal
SLX (config)# qos map cos-mutation test-cos-mut-map-1
SLX (cos-mutation-test-cos-mut-map-1)#
The following example shows how to delete an existing QoS CoS mutation map.

SLX# configure terminal
SLX (config)# no qos map cos-mutation test-cos-mut-map-1
SLX (config)# 

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