neighbor peer-dampening (peer-group)

Enables BGP Peer Dampening for a peer group.


neighbor peer-group peer-dampening [ delay-hold 0-65535 | penalty 1-65535 | max-penalty 1-65535 | stability-interval 0-65535 ]
no neighbor peer-dampening (peer-group) [ delay-hold | penalty | max-penalty | stability-interval ]


The name of the peer-group to which this configuration must be applied to.
delay-hold 0-65535
The amount of time, in seconds, that a session remains in the idle-state after the first peer flap event is received. During this time, all route advertisements from this peer are ignored. The default value is zero (0) seconds.
penalty 1-65535
The amount of time, in seconds, which gets added to idle-hold timer every time a peer flap event is received. The default value is 300 seconds.
max-penalty 1-65535
The maximum amount of time, in seconds, that a session remains in the idle- state after it has experienced repeated instability. The default value is 3600 seconds.
stability-interval 0-65535
The interval of time, in seconds, the session must be error-free in order to consider it to be stable. The default value is 1800 seconds.


Router BGP

Usage Guidelines


The following example shows how to enable Peer Dampening for a peer-group.

SLX (config)# router bgp
SLX (config-bgp-router)# neighbor peer-group pg-level-1 
SLX (config-bgp-router)# neighbor pg-level-1 peer-dampening delay-hold 10 penalty 300 max-penalty 3600 stability-interval 1800
SLX (config-bgp-router)#