qos trust dscp

Enables Trust DSCP for physical and Port Channel interfaces.


[no] qos trust dscp


Interface Configuration Mode

Usage Guidelines

The interface must be configured as a switchport to enable Trust DSCP.

The no form of the command disables Trust DSCP on the interface.

This feature is supported on Extreme 8820, Extreme 8720, Extreme 8520, SLX 9740, SLX 9250, and SLX 9150 devices.


The following example enables Trust DSCP on the ethernet interface 0/4.

SLX(conf-if-eth-0/4)# qos trust dscp
SLX show run int eth 0/4
 interface Ethernet 0/4 
 switchport switchport mode access 
 switchport access vlan 1 
 qos trust dscp 
 no shutdown 