Sets how long the device waits for its LDP peers for LDP sessions to send a Hello message for LDP interfaces.
For an LDP interface configuration, the default value is the hold time for the configured global LDP Hello messages.
MPLS interface LDP configuration mode
When the device does not receive a Hello message within this time, the LDP session with the peer can be terminated. The device includes the hold time in the Hello messages it sends out to its LDP peers.
The new time takes effect immediately and goes in the next Hello message sent. This hold time applies to only the hold time that the device sends to its peers. It does not affect the hold time the device uses to time out those peers. The latter is determined from the hold time that peers send to the device.
Use the no for this command to reset the default interval.
MPLS is supported on the Extreme 8820, SLX 9740, SLX 9640, and SLX 9540 devices only.
The following example sets the link Hello hold time for the interface to 30 seconds.
device# configure terminal device(config)# router mpls device(config-router-mpls)# mpls-interface ethernet 0/2 device(config-router-mpls-interface-0/2)# ldp-params device(config-router-mpls-interface-0/2-ldp-params)# hello-timeout 30