threshold-monitor hardware-resources

Configures the maximum number of events to be generated in a configured time period for any hardware events on the device.


threshold-monitor hardware-resources [ count max-number-of-generated-events | interval interval-in-seconds ]
no threshold-monitor hardware-resources [ count | interval ]


count max-number-of-generated-events
Configures the maximum number of events that are generated for the configured time interval. The range is 1-60 events. The default is 4 events.
interval interval-in-seconds
Specifies the time interval during which events are generated. The range is 30-900 seconds. The default value is 30 seconds.


Global Configuration Mode

Usage Guidelines

The no form of this command will reset the values to default.

The default values of 4 and 30 indicate that up to 4 messages will be generated every 30 seconds.

Use this configuration to rate limit the generation of messages. Please note that RASLOGs are generated per resource and SNMP notifications are generated for the set of all hardware resources. This configuration controls the number of RASLOGs/SNMP Notifications generated within the specified time interval.


The following example configures the number of events that are generated for a particular time interval. This configures a rate limit of 30 events per 45 seconds.

SLX# configure terminal
SLX (config)# threshold-monitor hardware-resources count 30 interval 45
SLX (config)# 

The following example resets the configured hardware-resource message generation rate limit values to their defaults.

 SLX# configure terminal
SLX (config)# no threshold-monitor hardware-resources count 
SLX (config)# no threshold-monitor hardware-resources interval 

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