configure ipmroute add

configure ipmroute add [default | source-net mask-len | source-net mask] {{protocol} protocol} rpf-address {metric} {vr vr-name}


Adds a static multicast route to the multicast routing table.

Syntax Description

default Specifies default gateway.
source-net Specifies an IP address/mask length.
mask-len Mask length for the IP multicast source's subnet. Range is [1-32].
mask Specifies a subnet mask.
protocol Unicast routing protocol that is to be used for route learning.
rpf-address Next hop through which the multicast source can be reached.
metric Specifies a cost metric.
vr-name Specifies the virtual router to which the route is added.


The following defaults apply:

Usage Guidelines

This command allows you to statically configure where multicast sources are located (even though the unicast routing table has different entries). It allows you to configure a multicast static route in such a way as to have non-congruent topology for Unicast and Multicast topology and traffic.


The following example configures a multicast static route for all multicast sources within network subnet Those sources are reachable through the gateway

configure ipmroute add

The following example configures multicast static route for all sources via a single gateway with a metric of 100:

configure ipmroute add 100


This command was first available in ExtremeXOS 11.6.

Platform Availability

This command is available on platforms that support the appropriate license. For complete information about software licensing, including how to obtain and upgrade your license and which licenses support the IPv4 multicast feature, see the ExtremeXOS 32.6.1 Feature License Requirements document.