configure snmpv3 add user clone-from

configure snmpv3 add user [[hex hex_user_name] | user_name] {engine-id engine_id}clone-from [[hex hex_user_name] | user_name] {engine-id clone_from_engine_id}


Creates a new user by cloning from an existing SNMPv3 user.

Syntax Description

hex_user_name Specifies the user name to add or to clone from. The value is to be supplies as a colon separated string of hex octets.
user_name Specifies the user name to add or to clone from in ASCII format.
engine-id SNMP engine ID
engine_id Engine ID of the user to be added in hexadecimal format. Default: local engine ID)"; type="ostring_t
clone_from_engine_id Engine ID of the user to be cloned in hexadecimal (Default: local engine ID)"; type="ostring_t



Usage Guidelines

Use this command to create a new user by cloning an existing one. After you have successfully cloned the new user, you can modify its parameters using the following command:

configure snmpv3 add user [[hex hex_user_name] |user_name] {authentication [md5 | sha] [hexhex_auth_password |auth_password]} {privacy {des | 3des | aes {128 | 192 | 256}} [[hexhex_priv_password] | priv_password]} }{volatile}

Users cloned from the default users will have the storage type of non-volatile. The default names are: admin, initial, initialmd5, initialsha, initialmd5Priv, initialshaPriv.


The following command creates a user cloneMD5 with same properties as the default user initalmd5. All authorization and privacy keys will initially be the same as with the default user initialmd5.

configure snmpv3 add user cloneMD5 clone-from initialmd5

The following command adds a remote user named nmsuser2 belonging to the SNMP engine with engine-id 11:22:33 by cloning another remote user named nmsuser1 belonging to the SNMP engine with engine id AA:BB::CC:

conf snmpv3 add user nmsuser2 engine-id 11:22:33 clone-from nmsuser1 engine-id AA:BB:CC


This command was first available in ExtremeXOS 10.1.

The hex_user_name parameter was added in ExtremeXOS 11.0.

Platform Availability

This command is available on ExtremeSwitching X435, X440-G2, X450-G2, X460-G2, X465, X590, X620, X690, and X695 series switches.