configure mpls rsvp-te profile

configure mpls rsvp-te profile profile_name {bandwidth [best-effort | [{committed-rate committed_bps [Kbps | Mbps | Gbps]} {max-burst-size burst_size [Kb | Mb]} {peak-rate peak_bps [Kbps | Mbps | Gbps]}]} {hold-priority hold_priority} {mtu [number | use-local-interface]} {path-computation [full | partial]} {record [enabled {route-only} | disabled]} {setup-priority setup_priority}


Configures an RSVP-TE profile with the specified profile name.

Syntax Description

profile_name Specifies the LSP profile.
bandwidth Specifies bandwidth reservation.
best-effort Indicates no bandwidth reservation.
committed_bps Specifies the committed bandwidth to be reserved across the MPLS network, in bits per second. The range is from 64 Kbps to 10 Gbps.
peak_bps Specifies the maximum bandwidth signaled in bits per second. The range is from 64 Kbps to 10 Gbps.
Kbps Specifies the designated bitrate in kilobits per second.
Mbps Specifies the designated bitrate in megabits per second.
Gbps Specifies the designated bitrate in gigabits per second.
burst_size Specifies the maximum number of bytes (specified in bits) that the LSP is allowed to burst above the specified peak-rate. The range is from 0 to 1000 Mb.
Kb Kilobits
Mb Megabits
hold_priority Specifies the priority of the LSP. Lower numbers indicate higher priority. The range is from 0 to 7.
setup_priority Specifies the priority of the LSP. Lower numbers indicate higher priority. The range is from 0 to 7.
number Specifies the MTU value for the LSP. The range is from 296 to 9216/
use-local-interface Specifies that the MTU value is inherited from the local egress VLAN interface.
record Configures hop-by-hop path recording.
enabled route-only Causes the Record Route Object (RRO) to be inserted into the path message. The enabled option enables recording of hops and labels. The enabled route-only option records only hops.
disabled Specifies that no RRO is inserted into the path message.
path-computation Computation strategy for calculating a path to the LSP destination:
  • full = Requires the ingress node to fully calculate a path to the LSP destination (default).
  • partial = Allows the ingress node to calculate only part of the path to the LSP destination.
full Allows the entire LSP path to be specified at ingress LSR (no calculations performed by any transit nodes).
partial Allows you to specify ‘part‘ of the path at ingress LSR. (For OSPF usage, specify LSP path to the ABR, then ABR provides the calculation into the other areas.)


Bandwidth: Newly-created profiles are configured as best-effort.

Setup-priority: 7 (lowest).

Hold-priority: 0 (highest).

Path recording: disabled.

MTU: use-local-interface.

Path-computation: full.

Usage Guidelines

A profile is a set of attributes that are applied to the LSP when the LSP is configured using the configure mpls rsvp-te lsp command. A default profile is provided which cannot be deleted, but may be applied to any TE LSP. The profile_name for the default profile is default. The default profile parameter values are initially set to their respective default values. The maximum number of configurable profiles is 1000.

LSPs may signal reserved bandwidth. By default, newly created profiles are configured to not signal bandwidth requirements and thus are classified as best-effort. If bandwidth needs to be reserved across the MPLS network, the bandwidth parameters specify the desired reserved bandwidth for the LSP. The committed-rate specifies the mean bandwidth and the peak-rate specifies the maximum bandwidth signaled. The peak-rate must be equal to or greater than the committed-rate. If the peak-rate is not specified, traffic is not clipped above the committed-rate setting. The rates are specified in bps and must be qualified by Kbps, Mbps, or Gbps. The minimum and maximum bandwidth rates are 64 Kbps and 10 Gbps, respectively. The max-burst-size specifies the maximum number of bytes (specified in bits) that the LSP is allowed to burst above the specified peak-rate. The minimum burst size is 0 and the maximum burst size is 1000 Mb.

The setup-priority and hold-priority are optional parameters indicating the LSP priority. During path set up, if the requested bandwidth cannot be reserved through the LSR, the setup-priority parameter is compared to the hold-priority of existing LSPs to determine if any of the existing LSPs need to be preempted to allow a higher priority LSP to be established. Lower numerical values represent higher priorities. The setup-priority range is 0 to 7 and the default value is 7 (lowest). The hold-priority range is also 0 to 7 and the default value is 0 (highest). If bandwidth is requested for the LSP, the CSPF calculation uses the available bandwidth associated with the CoS as specified by the hold-priority.

The bandwidth, hold-priority, and setup-priority values are signaled in the path message. If the bandwidth setting is changed, all LSPs using this profile are re-signaled. If the bps setting is decreased, a new path message is sent along the LSP indicating the new reservation. If the bps setting is increased, the LSP is torn down and resignaled using the new bandwidth reservations.

The record command is used to enable hop-by-hop path recording. The enabled keyword causes the Record Route Object (RRO) to be inserted into the path message. The RRO is returned in the RESV Message and contains a list of IPv4 subobjects that describe the RSVP-TE path. Path recording by default is disabled. When disabled, no RRO is inserted into the path message.

The mtu keyword optionally specifies the MTU value for the LSP. By default, this value is set to use-local-interface. In the default configuration, the MTU value is inherited from the local egress VLAN interface. The minimum MTU value is 296 and the maximum value is 9216. Path MTU information is carried in the Integrated Services or Null Service RSVP objects and is used by RSVP to perform path MTU identification.



Changing any of the profile parameters causes LSPs using the profile to be torn down and re-signaled. There is no guarantee that the re-signaled LSP will be successfully established. Future ExtremeXOS implementations may support the make-before-break LSP concept.

To view a profile configuration, enter the following command:

show mpls rsvp-te profile {profile_name} {detail}

To view LSP recorded route information, enter one of the following commands:

show mpls rsvp-te lsp [ingress {fast-reroute} | ingress_lsp_name | ingressingress_lsp_name | ingress [destination | origin]ipaddress] {[all-paths | detail] | summary | down-paths {detail}} show mpls rsvp-te lsp [egress | transit] {fast-reroute} {{lsp_name} {[destination | origin]ipaddress} {detail} | summary}


The following command configures the RSVP-TE profile gold-class with a committed bandwidth of 100 Mbps and the setup and hold priorities are both set to 0 (highest priority):

configure mpls rsvp-te profile gold-class bandwidth committed-rate 100 mbps hold-priority 0 setup-priority 0


This command was first available in ExtremeXOS 11.6.

The path-computation option added in ExtremeXOS 21.1

Platform Availability

This command is available only on the platforms that support MPLS as described in the ExtremeXOS 32.6.1 Feature License Requirements document.