show policy captive-portal

show policy captive-portal {web-redirect {redirect_index | all} | listening | rule-use}


This command shows the current captive portal configuration for web-redirects, L4 listening ports, and rule use space programming.

Syntax Description

redirect_index Shows the particular web redirect index indicated (1–10).
all Shows all web redirect indexes.
listening Shows captive portal HTTP listening L4 ports.
web-redirect Shows web redirect information.
rule-use Shows captive portal rule use.




The following example shows the currently configured captive portal L4 listening ports:

# show policy captive-portal listening
Captive Portal Listening Ports: 55   33   22

The following example shows the currently configured captive portal servers from all web-redirect indexes:

# show policy captive-portal web-redirect
Web-redirect Index: 1
      Server Index: 2
        Server Status: enabled
        Server URL:

Web-redirect Index: 10
      Server Index: 2
        Server Status: disabled
        Server URL:

The following example shows all of the captive portal servers at web-redirect index 1 (regardless of configuration):

# show policy captive-portal web-redirect 1

Web-redirect Index: 1
      Server Index: 1
        Server Status: disabled
        Server URL:    

      Server Index: 2
        Server Status: enabled
        Server URL: 

The following example shows the entire captive portal configuration:

# show policy captive-portal

Captive Portal Listening Ports: 55   33   22

Web-redirect Index: 1
      Server Index: 1
        Server Status: disabled
        Server URL:

      Server Index: 2
        Server Status: enabled
        Server URL:

Web-redirect Index: 2
      Server Index: 1
        Server Status: disabled
        Server URL:

      Server Index: 2
        Server Status: disabled
        Server URL:

Web-redirect Index: 3
      Server Index: 1
        Server Status: disabled
        Server URL:

      Server Index: 2
        Server Status: disabled
        Server URL:

Web-redirect Index: 4
      Server Index: 1
        Server Status: disabled
        Server URL:

      Server Index: 2
        Server Status: disabled
        Server URL:

Web-redirect Index: 5
      Server Index: 1
        Server Status: disabled
        Server URL:

      Server Index: 2
        Server Status: disabled
        Server URL:

Web-redirect Index: 6
      Server Index: 1
        Server Status: disabled
        Server URL:

      Server Index: 2
        Server Status: disabled
        Server URL:

Web-redirect Index: 7
      Server Index: 1
        Server Status: disabled
        Server URL:

      Server Index: 2
        Server Status: disabled
        Server URL:

Web-redirect Index: 8
      Server Index: 1
        Server Status: disabled
        Server URL:

      Server Index: 2
        Server Status: disabled
        Server URL:

Web-redirect Index: 9
      Server Index: 1
        Server Status: disabled
        Server URL:

      Server Index: 2
        Server Status: disabled
        Server URL:

Web-redirect Index: 10
      Server Index: 1
        Server Status: disabled
        Server URL:

      Server Index: 2
        Server Status: disabled
        Server URL:
The following example shows the captive portal rule use status:
# show policy captive-portal rule-use
Captive Portal Rule Use: Reserved


This command was first available in ExtremeXOS 22.3.

The rule-use option was added in ExtremeXOS 30.4.

Platform Availability

This command is available on ExtremeSwitching X435, X440-G2, X450-G2, X460-G2, X465, X590, X620, X690, and X695 series switches.