configure vrrp vlan vrid track-mode

configure vrrp vlan vlan_name vrid vridval track-mode [all | any]


Defines the conditions under which the router automatically relinquishes master status when the tracked entities fail.

Syntax Description


Specifies the name of a VRRP VLAN.


Specifies the VRID for the VRRP instance. To display the configured VRRP router instances, enter the show vrrp command.


Specifies that the mastership is relinquished when one of the following events occur:

All of the tracked VLANs failAll of the tracked routes failAll of the tracked PINGs fail

Specifies that the mastership is relinquished when any of the tracked VLANs, routes, or PINGs fail.


The default setting is all.

Usage Guidelines



The following command configures the track mode to any:

configure vrrp vlan vrrp-1 vrid 1 track-mode any


This command was first available in ExtremeXOS 11.6.

Platform Availability

This command is available on platforms that support the appropriate license. For complete information about software licensing, including how to obtain and upgrade your license and which licenses support the VRRP feature, see the ExtremeXOS 32.6.1 Feature License Requirements document.