configure vrrp vlan vrid preempt

configure vrrp vlan vlan_name vrid vridval preempt {delay seconds}


Specifies that a higher priority backup router preempts a lower priority master.

Syntax Description


Specifies the name of a VRRP VLAN.


Specifies the VRID for a VRRP instance. To display the configured VRRP router instances, enter the show vrrp command.


Specifies a preempt delay period in seconds. The value range is 1 to 3600 seconds, or 0, which selects the original preempt delay period.


Preempt enabled.

Delay configuration: 0.

Usage Guidelines

The preempt option enables a higher-priority backup router to preempt a master with a lower priority. When a VRRP enabled router receives a lower priority VRRP advertisement and preemption is enabled, the higher-priority VRRP enabled router takes over as master. The new master starts sending VRRP advertisements and the old, lower-priority master relinquishes mastership.



The router that owns the virtual IP address always preempts, independent of the setting of this parameter.

When a VRRP enabled router preempts the master, it does so in one of the following ways:
  • If the preempt delay timer is configured for between 1 and 3600 seconds and the lower-priority master is still operating, the router preempts the master when the timer expires.

  • If the preempt delay timer is configured for 0, the router preempts the master after 3 times the hello interval.

  • If the higher priority router stops receiving advertisements from the current master for 3 times the hello interval, it takes over mastership immediately.


    The preempt feature can be disabled with the configure vrrp vlan vrid dont-preempt command.


The following command allows preemption:

configure vrrp vlan vlan-1 vrid 1 preempt


This command was first available in ExtremeXOS 10.1.

Platform Availability

This command is available on platforms that support the appropriate license. For complete information about software licensing, including how to obtain and upgrade your license and which licenses support the VRRP feature, see the ExtremeXOS 32.6.1 Feature License Requirements document.