show ntp sys-info

show ntp sys-info


Shows the current system status based on the most reliable clock server or NTP server.

Syntax Description




Usage Guidelines



The following command shows the current system status based on the most reliable clock server or NTP server:

switch # show ntp sys-info
System Peer         :
System Peer Mode    : Client
Leap Indicator      : 00
Stratum             : 3
Precision           : -20
Root Distance       : 0.09084 second
Root Dispersion     : 0.23717 second
Reference ID        : []
Reference time      : d140571d.e8389ff7  Fri, Apr  1 2011  6:52:29.907
System Flags        : Monitor, Ntp, Kernel, Stats
Jitter              : 0.004700 second
Stability           : 0.000 ppm
Broadcast Delay     : 0.007996 second
Auth Delay          : 0.000000 second


The following command shows the current system status with IPv6 support (line 2):

# show ntp sys-info 
System Peer         : 1111:1111:1111:1111:1111:1111:1111:1112 
System Peer Mode    : Client                                  
Leap Indicator      : 00                                      
Stratum             : 12
Precision           : -13  
Root Distance       : 0.00052 second
Root Dipersion      : 0.06456 second
Reference ID        : []
Referene Time       : e889e1e6.2f3bcb3c  Fri, Aug 18 2023 12:26:14.184
System Flags        : Monitor, NTP, Kernel, Stats
Jitter              : 0.000000 second
Stability           : 0.009 ppm
Broadcast Delay     : 0.007996 second
Auth Delay          : 0.000000 second


This command was first available in ExtremeXOS 12.7.

Platform Availability

This command is available on ExtremeSwitching X435, X440-G2, X450-G2, X460-G2, X465, X590, X620, X690, and X695 series switches.