configure mld ssm-map add

configure mld ssm-map add v6groupnetmask [v6sourceip | src_domain_name] { {vr} vr_name }


Adds an MLD SSM Mapping entry on a VR.

Syntax Description

v6groupnetmask You must provide group address with the mask length. Instead of configuring separate entries for a continuous range of IP addresses, this optimizes a range of group IP addresses to be configured as a single entry.
v6sourceip Specifies the source IP address for which the SSM should apply.
src_domain_name Provides the option to use DNS to obtain IP addresses dynamically by specifying the domain name.
VR vr_name Specifies the virtual router name.



Usage Guidelines

When an MLDv1 report is received for this group or group range, the list of sources configured using this command is used as part of source-specific information to PIM.

The following error message displays when more than 50 source addresses are configured for a specific group:

ERROR: Cannot configure more than 50 sources for group ff30::1/128 on VR-Default

The following error message displays when a source address is already configured:

ERROR: Source 2001:0DB8:1::1 already present for group ff30::1/128 on VR-Default

The following error message displays when a DNS name is already configured:

ERROR: Only one source domain name allowed for group ff30::1/128 on VR-Default


The following example configures a MLD-SSM mapping entry:

configure mld ssm-map add ff06::/64 2001::1


This command was first available in ExtremeXOS 15.5.

Platform Availability

This command is available on the platforms listed for the IPv6 multicast routing feature in the ExtremeXOS 32.6.1 Feature License Requirements document.