The Extended Edge Switching auto-configuration feature allows the controlling bridge switch in an Extended Edge Switching topology to detect new bridge port extenders (BPEs) connected to ports not configured as cascade ports, and automatically configure cascade ports, extended slots, and LAGs/MLAGs on cascade ports. This capability allows for the more rapid and accurate setup of an Extended Edge Switching architecture, but still requires some manual configuration, in particular This command is available on all Universal switches supported in this document.. To further reduce manual configuring, consider using full automation (see Configuring Extended Edge Switching Topology with Full Automation)
Auto-configuration is disabled by default. If auto-configuration is enabled, Extended Edge Switching ports cannot be manually configured.
Cascade port connections to a BPE are automatically grouped into a LAG with the first detected connection set as the master logical port. Automatic LAG grouping occurs even if there is only a single connection to the BPE. With auto-configuration enabled, additional connections added after the initial Extended Edge Switching configuration is established are automatically added to the LAG. If you remove connection(s) and want the port(s) removed from the LAG, you must do this manually (see Adding and Deleting Ports in a Load-Sharing Group).
enable vpex
enable vpex auto-configuration
show vpex topology { port port_num} {summary | detail}
The partial automation process detects the new BPEs connected to ports not configured as cascade ports, and automatically configures cascade ports, extended slots, and LAGs on cascade ports.
To show auto-configuration status, use the following command:
show vpex
To disable auto-configuration, use the following command:
disable vpex auto-configuration
For information about troubleshooting an Extended Edge Switching topology, see Troubleshooting an Extended Edge Switching Topology.