Flow Monitor is disabled by default. When enabled, flow collection and exporting occurs on configured keys in enabled groups. The enable flowmon command enables the Flow Monitor feature.
To enable a Flow Monitor group, use the following command: enable flowmon group group_name.
While a group is being enabled, it cannot be modified except to add or delete keys.Note
Before a group can be enabled, it must have at least one key and one collector added to it. A template key portion is present when a key has been added.To disable Flow Monitor globally, use the following command: disable flowmon.
Modification rules for groups, keys, and collectors remain active after Flow Monitor is disabled. A new group can be created and configured with its parameters, collector, template portions (defines the elements to be exported), and added keys. The group can also be enabled or disabled.Note
Enabling a group while Flow Monitor is disabled will program the hardware, but the flow collection for the group will be disabled.To disable a Flow Monitor group, use the following command: disable flowmon group group_name.